That squealing sound you just heard? That was me when I saw these pictures of Jackson "wrapping" my mother's day present. I can hardly stomach the amount of tape that was used! The only thing making it OK was the smile on his face.
It should be noted that in my family, we don't waste tape. Or wrapping paper. Or ribbon. Ever. In fact, my Nana was famous for being able to wrap a present with NO tape.
I do like the end result, in which the tape manages to act as a decorative ribbon of sorts.
Thank you Jon and Jackson for the great new radio for the kitchen that also plays and recharges the ipod. We hang out there a lot so it's much better than the 5" AM/FM radio mini-boom box I was using (you know, that one Nonno got free when he opened a checking account when I was in college).
And thank you the pancake breakfast, and doing the laundry, getting up at 6 am, and feeding Jackson dinner last night, and best of all - cleaning out all your old bills and receipts and accumulated stuff by the front door. That's the best.
I love you both so so very much.
we didn't waste any wrapping paper. As you can see we used some of Jackson's old art creations from his paper roll.
I know! I love that!
I love the wrapping paper, and the tape bow. it wasn't wasted, it was repurposed!
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