In my family, we never put any presents under the tree until Santa put them ALL under the tree on Christmas Eve. I think this was because Mimi has an amazing village (called a Putz) that takes up about 6 feet. Currently, it's placed on the mantel - out of reach of curious little hands.
It was pretty thrilling to come out Christmas morning and see a SEA of presents covering the ground in all directions.
Jon thinks our tree looks sad and lonely without any presents underneath it, but I can only imagine how many times Jackson would be asking to open things. And Cade wouldn't even ask, he would just go for it.
What do you think? Presents under the tree or is that too much of a temptation for a 3 and a 1 year old?
PS Did you see the title of this post? To present or not to present. Get it? Because presence is another word for being. A ha!
(both images from old martha books)
no opinion. I see both points. It is all about tradition.
Maybe two wrapped boxes under the tree and when they open them, they are empty.. ha ha.
haha. or fill them with coal. hahaha
well, i just had this whole conversation in my little brain. only because i do like seeing presents under the tree as well (obviously a family thing) but then sammy is so excited for santa i thought how fun if nothing was there and then when santa came they were. well last night i put presents for other people under the tree and funny thing is sammy did not even notice! so christmas eve there will be no presents and then when santa comes - pooof presents!
I say no presents under the tree until they find out there is no santa.........This is a comprimise.......
good thing Jackson can't read your comment! he would be crushed!
Hey, You guys want to give them empty boxes & coal. talk about a disappointment.........
I didn't know it was called a Putz. I do know it was in the tradition of my german ancestors and I would be enthralled by it when I was awakened by Santa's bells (as he was leaving in his sleigh) around midnight on Christmas eve and I came to the living room to see it and the presents under the tree.
Too much temptation for sure!!!
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