Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Happy 9th Birthday, Jackson!

My sweet Jackson,

And now you are 9! Somehow that happened.

You are still the sweetest, most conscientious, careful and sensitive kid I know. But then, just when I think you are so shy and tentative, I hear you screaming with your friends during swim class, or tearing around the playground like a banshee.

You've plowed through most of the Harry Potter series this year, you've just completed Book 5. Which is still a surprise to me since you still turn away if Kermit the Frog graces a television screen in your presence, as you're still scared of the Muppets. I think it must have been a pivotal moment in your brain-synapsis-building when you saw some Muppet you did not like, and that was that for you.

You've moved on from pizza - although it's still your hands-down favorite - I now think soup dumplings are a close second. No bagels, pancakes, or waffles for you though, thank you very much. And you would eat 6 Granny Smith apples a day if I let you.

Legos are still going strong. You've amassed quite a collection, and once you start building one, your focus is total and complete until you are done.

You participated voluntarily in the Science Fair this year - The Invisible Ink Project. You didn't want to go the extra mile, but in the end, you did. I'm so proud of you for that.

Your best buddy is your brother. Since you are together constantly, it's like you are each other's shadow. I'm so lucky that you are able to play, laugh, crack each other up (For one week straight you chanted Undies, Undies Solomon Grundy Rat-a-tat-tat to each other and would dissolve in laughter).

You have a lot of friends at school and everyone likes you. You cause no problems and you're continually at the top of your class, getting points, awards, and commendations. Right now we're waiting to hear if your handmade book (one of the top three in your class) will earn you a spot as Class Representative next year).

For your birthday this year, we got together in Prospect Park near Vanderbilt Playground (your request) and celebrated with 16 of your buddies, and donuts. Paper airplanes, a piƱata, and free play was it!

I love you more than words can ever say. Thank you for the best 9 years, and I know this year is going to be a good one!


PS Letters on your first birthday, your second birthday, and your third birthdayfourth birthday, and fifth birthday and sixth birthday and seventh birthday, and eighth birthday.  

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